Remembering Jeffrey D. Forman, M.D., F.A.C.R.

“I really don’t have the words to completely express my gratitude to you for saving my life. I never expected to see the day when I would actually be able to return to teaching. You were so kind, compassionate and understanding while discussing things with my dad and me. I will forever be thankful for you and your kind staff,” wrote a patient in 2004 after being diagnosed and treated by Dr. Forman at Karmanos.

More than 15 years later, the words; kind, compassionate and understanding, could not be more accurate when thinking about Jeffrey D. Forman, M.D. Those who encountered Dr. Forman benefited from interacting with a highly-respected medical expert and someone who demonstrated selfless acts in his everyday life.

Dr. Forman held multiple professional appointments during his 14-year career at Karmanos including serving as medical director of affiliate programs and satellites; medical director of philanthropy; chief and chair of the Multidisciplinary Urology Oncology Program; director of the Neutron Therapy Program; and associate director of Clinical Care. He began his most recent role as medical director of Development in May 2018.

Before undergoing a stem cell transplant to treat myelofibrosis in May 2016, he practiced radiation oncology for 35 years. In addition to his positions at Karmanos, Dr. Forman served as medical director of operations for the state of Michigan from 2007 to 2016 and was the national director of Clinical Research and national medical director for Prostate Cancer from 2011- 2016. All three positions were with 21st Century Oncology in West Bloomfield. Dr. Forman held faculty appointments at Wayne State University School of Medicine, where he served as chairman and professor of Radiation Oncology. He was the principal investigator of numerous clinical trials and authored more than 400 publications, book chapters and abstracts.

"For more than 35 years, Dr. Jeffrey D. Forman unabashedly loved his role as a radiation oncologist and provided exceptional care to cancer patients across southeastern Michigan. His commitment to the field of medicine was evident with his return to Karmanos as the medical director of Development following his own cancer diagnosis. Jeff found real fulfillment through working with our Development team and helping impact cancer care and patients through his commitment to increase awareness and funding for life-saving cancer research. Jeff will be deeply missed by all of us,” said Katrina Studvent, chief development officer, Karmanos Cancer Institute.

Dr. Forman was proud to share the specialized cancer care and scientific research taking place in southeastern Michigan at Karmanos with many of his community colleagues. There were moments when you could hear Dr. Forman stating Karmanos’ vision from his office chair in the New Center One building when talking with community partners saying, “we are making huge strides in achieving a world free of cancer.” This conviction and philanthropic passion has always been at the core of Dr. Forman’s work. He played a pivotal role in leading the efforts in raising funds to build an award-winning outpatient cancer treatment center in Farmington Hills, the Lawrence and Idell Weisberg Cancer Treatment Center. He saw that cancer patients in one area were having to arrange daily commutes to receive treatment that eroded their energies for recovery. “I wanted cancer patients driving less and recovering more, so I pitched for the support of friends and patients, we raised $9 million and we built an awesome place,” said Forman in early 2000.

As demonstrated years prior with his passion for raising funds to support world-class cancer care for the Institute, his own personal cancer journey fueled the establishment of the Dr. Jeff Forman Third Transplantiversary Fundraiser at Karmanos. He wanted to help support research for new treatments to be tested exclusively at Karmanos to counteract the effects of Graft versus Host Disease. This same philanthropic energy carried into the community as he recently served on the Jewish Fund Board as well as the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit where he chaired the Maimonides Society, co-chaired the Annual Campaign, and participated in the Sherman Leadership Program. There is a beautiful and inspiring interview written in the Karmanos Legacy of Hope Fall 2019 edition about Dr. Forman’s journey as a patient, philanthropic efforts and family life. You can view the article here.

Justin Klamerus, M.D., MMM, president, Karmanos Cancer Hospital & Network, shared, “I was honored to know Jeff and watch his devotion to people and to science. He was driven by doing good for people and making a real difference in the outcomes of cancer. We were honored that he served Karmanos in helping us reach more patients in our community. Emerson said, ‘To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.’ Dr. Forman was a success in every measure I can imagine. We will all miss him deeply.”

Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to Dr. Forman’s wife, Miriam, his children and grandchildren. His Funeral Service will be held at a private family graveside service at 12:30 p.m. Sunday, April 12, 2020. You may watch the live video of the service here.