Financial Information

In keeping with the values of Karmanos Cancer Institute to improve the health and well being of the people we serve, and to fulfill the responsible stewardship of our public trust, McLaren shall provide financial assistance to patients who qualify.

Karmanos Cancer Institute offers patients the opportunity to apply for financial assistance. Financial assistance will only be considered for medically necessary services. Elective medical services may not qualify for financial assistance, but a private-pay discount may apply.

Financial assistance guidelines are based on the federal poverty guidelines published annually in the Federal Register. Karmanos Cancer Institute's Patient Accounting Department will access this register and update the financial assistance guidelines each February. All patients applying for assistance will be screened based on the guidelines established within this policy.

Price Transparency

Health care consumers often seek information comparing hospital services and costs. While an individual’s costs will vary based on insurance and the level of health care services delivered, there are a number of resources that provide public pricing information to help educate consumers.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: