NCI Designation

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) first designated the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute as a comprehensive cancer center in 1978, when the institute was called the Cancer Center of Metropolitan Detroit.

What does this designation mean?

This designation is awarded to only 57 cancer centers throughout the country, and Karmanos is only one of two cancer centers with this designation in Michigan.

In order to be designated as a comprehensive cancer center by the NCI, a hospital must

  • Demonstrate expertise in these areas: research, laboratory, clinical, and behavioral and population-based research;
  • Initiate and conduct early-phase, innovative clinical trials and participate in the NCI’s cooperative groups by providing leadership and recruiting patients for trials; and
  • Conduct activities in outreach and education and provide information on advances in health care for health care professionals and the public.

NCI Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center

NCI-designated cancer centers are characterized by scientific excellence and the capability to integrate a diversity of research approaches to focus on the problem of cancer. They play a vital role in advancing towards our goal of reducing morbidity and mortality from cancer. Learn more about the National Cancer Institute.