Corporate Engagement Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute! The Institute offers dynamic partnership opportunities, from volunteer experiences to program support to event sponsorships. Your thoughtful participation translates into real progress in the search for cures for cancer. Corporate involvement is essential and allows the Institute to forward our mission of leading in transformative cancer care, research and education through courage, commitment and compassion.

Corporate Donations

When your organization makes a donation to Karmanos Cancer Institute, we offer you the flexibility to allocate your funds to a program that aligns with your company’s giving efforts. At Karmanos, we treat all types of cancers in patients from all walks of life — and encourage our supporters to contribute to a patient care or research program that best fits with your mission.

Sponsor an Event

Event sponsorships provide companies with an opportunity to align with Karmanos Cancer Institute’s mission and enhance reputation through high-visibility recognition. We offer two elite signature fundraising events per year, which bring together some of the community’s most influential philanthropic leaders. These events - The Annual Dinner and Partners Events - offer a unique event experience and a variety of exclusive sponsorship opportunities.

Employer Matching Gifts

Matching employee contributions are an increasingly popular way to demonstrate support of your staff and the community while encouraging employees to contribute to charitable organizations. When an employee makes a donation, the company's matching gift can double the impact of the contribution.

Complimentary Health Seminars

Karmanos Cancer Institute is dedicated to broadening cancer awareness throughout our community and educating people on important cancer health information. It is through our dedication to this initiative that we offer complimentary health seminars to local corporate partners. Presentations can be tailored to fit your specific needs - from formal presentations to ‘Lunch and Learn’ sessions and health fairs - we work with you to seamlessly fit into your company’s unique culture to offer a learning experience that best suits you.

For more information on any of the above opportunities contact: Denise Lowe, Annual Fund Officer at

Host a Fundraising Event or Jean Day

Whether it’s hosting an event, donating a portion of proceeds from sales, or hosting an office-wide jeans day - there are many ways to use an event/promotion to engage your employees and raise money for Karmanos Cancer Institute.

For more information on how to give to the Institute by hosting your own event or promotion contact: Denise Lowe, Annual Fund Officer at