Give to a Specific Cancer Fund

Altpeter Family Lymphoma & Multiple Myeloma Cancer Research Fund

The Altpeter fund was initiated by Jon, Lillian, and Mary Altpeter to honor their loved ones who have been diagnosed with Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma. Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system and multiple myeloma is a cancer of plasma cells. The family is dedicated to supporting cancer research at Karmanos to eradicate theses cancers.

Thomas V. Angott Memorial Fund

In his 40 years as an active Karmanos Cancer Institute board member, Mr. Thomas V. Angott, Sr. was always concerned for the comfort and care of the Institute’s patients. With this in mind, the Thomas V. Angott, Sr. Memorial Fund was created to perpetuate his work and to honor his wish for the best possible care for every patient who comes to the Institute.

Jayna Ankley Colon Cancer Research Fund

The Jayna Ankley Colon Cancer Research Fund supports colon cancer research at Karmanos. The fund was initiated by Jayna’s husband Joseph and their boys Paul, Spencer, and Owen. Jayna had a long battle with colon cancer and spent her time after diagnosis advocating for early screening and advanced research in colon cancer. She wanted her battle with cancer to be a step toward preventing future cancer patients' struggles. Jayna adored being a wife and mother and had a sweet demeanor, a beautiful smile, and a joyful positive soul that was instantly loved by all. Her family is dedicated to eradicating cancer.

Baiardi Family Foundation Cancer Patient Assistance Fund

The Baiardi Foundation understands the financial difficulties oncology patients encounter during their treatment. The Baiardi cancer patient assistance fund will provide Karmanos cancer patients with financial assistance during their cancer journey. This assistance will enable our patients to focus on their cancer treatment as well as recovery instead of worrying about their finances. The fund will focus on the following areas for assistance: grocery cards, dietary supplements for cancer patients under treatment, gas gift cards, patient transportation to/from their appointments, patient assistance – utilities (gas, electricity, water), and telephone/cell phone, patient assistance – rent and mortgages, home care visits, and home infusion visits.

Brown Family Cancer Research Fund

Wife and Brown family matriarch Marcia, underwent a successful bone marrow transplant for leukemia and became cancer free. Less than a year later, the cure took her life as she succumbed to the effects of Graft versus Host Disease (GVHD). GVHD occurs after a bone marrow or stem cell transplant when the donated cells (the graft) attack the patient’s normal cells (the host). Despite her multiple recurrences of cancer, Marcia did not just think of herself but of other family and friends and wanted to see the suffering from cancer end. For this reason, the Brown Family Cancer Research Fund was established to provide philanthropic support for research at Karmanos and help future cancer patients.

Ferrarotti Foundation

A year after her husband died in 2003, Rosanne Ferrarotti created the Gianni Ferrarotti Lung Cancer Foundation. Since then, more than $200,000 has been donated by the Foundation and other generous donors supporting the Gianni Ferrarotti Lung Cancer Patient Assistant Fund and the Gianni Ferrarotti Lung Cancer Fund at Karmanos. Five years after losing her husband to lung cancer, Rosanne was diagnosed and treated for breast cancer. The Foundation's work continues, as do the funds that help bring hope to patients and advance lung cancer research. Rosanne is an active member of Karmanos' Patient & Family Advisory Council to help other patients and families navigate their journey with this disease.

Finazzo Patient Transportation Assistance Fund

The Finazzo Patient Transportation Assistance Fund was established by Linda & Joe Finazzo to assist Karmanos cancer patients who require transportation assistance for their oncology clinic visits at Karmanos. Transportation to and from health care appointments is a basic but necessary part of the health care process, but many individuals do not have access to reliable transport in the form of a personal vehicle or cannot afford a taxi or Uber. Funding is limited to those in need. Without access to transportation, delays in care may lead to a lack of appropriate treatment and unmet cancer care needs, which in turn could impair overall health. Our clinical team works with our patients assessing how we can assist them with transportation by providing gas cards, taxis or an Uber. Overcoming transportation barriers is essential in improving health care for patients with cancer.

Gwendolyn Burton Caregiver Fund

The Gwendolyn Diane Burton Caregiver Fund at Karmanos supports cancer caregivers, whether they are spouses, adult children, parents, family, or friends.

C.A.P.A.B.L.E. Program

C.A.P.A.B.L.E. = Cross Training and Physical Activity: A better life experience.

Your donation will support researchers at Karmanos Cancer Institute and Wayne State University who are studying the impact of cross-training in adult cancer patients and survivors of all ability levels.

Leah A. Davidson Endowment

The Leah A. Davidson Endowment supports the Healing Arts Program at the Karmanos’ Lawrence & Idell Weisberg Cancer Center in Farmington Hills. More than 3,300 cancer patients each year have the opportunity to learn and experience the peaceful practices of meditation, Reiki, massage, yoga and tai chi workshops.

Please consider making a gift to the Leah A. Davidson Endowment and Leah’s legacy by helping to provide important, transformative coping and calming skills for cancer patients as they face a very stressful and scary time in their lives.

Eunice & Milton Ring Multiple Myeloma Cancer Research Fund

The Eunice & Milton Ring Multiple Myeloma Fund was established through the generosity of Eunice Ring with the goal of supporting groundbreaking multiple myeloma research at the Karmanos Cancer Institute. Multiple myeloma is a hematologic malignancy (a form of blood cancer, specifically a plasma cell cancer) which can affect patients’ blood counts, bones, and kidneys. Myeloma is the second most common form of blood cancer, and the incidence is twice as high in the African American community. The Karmanos Cancer Institute is committed to elucidating the biology behind this risk disparity and also to factors which contribute to the cancer’s resistance to therapy.

FocuSStem NextGen Program

The FocuSStem NextGen Program at Karmanos provides a pathway for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)-for interested students in under-resourced high schools to increase awareness and education of oncology-focused careers in science, technology, and healthcare. The goal is to increase the number of high school students nationwide who pursue a STEM college major or career. This is accomplished by expanding students’ knowledge and awareness of different careers in oncology and STEM while increasing their engagement and excitement about the career opportunities.

Genetic Counseling Fund

Your support of the Karmanos Cancer Genetic Counseling Service helps us provide the resources needed for people to learn about the impact their personal and family histories has on their chance of developing cancer, as well as the risk to other family members. It can also help people understand their options for prevention, early detection and treatment.

Please consider making a donation to the Cancer Genetic Counseling Service today!

Sandy Kopelman Ovarian Cancer Research Fund

The Sandy Kopelman Ovarian Cancer Research Fund supports ovarian cancer research at Karmanos Cancer Institute. The fund was initiated by the Kopelman Family because their beloved Sandy courageously fought ovarian cancer for several years. Sandy was a loving wife, mother, grandmother, sister, and friend who was always thinking of others. Her husband and daughter are dedicated to finding a cure for ovarian cancer.

Lisa Rea Patient Assistance Fund

In July 2013, at the age of 39, Lisa Rea succumbed to breast cancer. Her husband of seven years, Stephen Rea, established the Lisa Rea Patient Assistance Fund for breast cancer patients with dependent children at Karmanos in her honor.

"Her fund provides assistance with co-pays, transportation, and other costs incurred while in treatment. It is our family's hope that Lisa’s name and spirit will resonate as strongly with these patients in need as it does with those who knew and loved her," said Stephen.

Leo A. Rinke Cancer Research Fund

The Leo A. Rinke Cancer Research Fund was created to honor Leo who was diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), a cancer of the blood and bone marrow in April 2023. Leo was a generous, humble, and caring man to whom family and friends mean everything. When he was told elsewhere that all hope was lost, he found hope at Karmanos through a compassionate care team and their research trials. Leo, along with his friends and family, are focused on bringing that hope to others through continued research toward a cure for all cancers.

Wall of Hope

Making a tribute gift is a heartfelt way to honor and remember a loved one, friend, colleague or a special caregiver. The Wall of Hope is a naming opportunity specifically designed to recognize a meaningful tribute while supporting the Karmanos Cancer Institute’s mission in providing advanced cancer care and saving lives.

Micheline Wentworth Fund for Ovarian Cancer Research

Micheline Wentworth courageously fought ovarian cancer for over three years. Unfortunately, and all too common with ovarian cancer, Micheline’s cancer was found too late. Her disease had evaded detection and had progressed to the point where a cure was not possible. It was her wish that we continue the fight until a cure for ovarian cancer was found.

In her last days, she established the Micheline Wentworth Fund for Ovarian Cancer Research at Karmanos. It was Micheline who made the first donation to the fund.

Young Adult Cancer Fund

Karmanos Cancer Institute's Young Adult Cancer Fund was made possible by a generous donation from the Eggly, Hertza and Murphy families. These families, who have experienced the impact of cancer in young adults, recognize the importance of assistance specific to this age group.

Young adults (ages 21-45) facing a cancer diagnosis have unique challenges that are not often supported by traditional cancer funds. The Young Adult Cancer Fund exists to provide the extra support young adults may need to relieve stress and focus on their family and their health during cancer treatment. This fund, supported by the Karmanos social work team, provides assistance for non-medical costs such as transportation, gas, groceries, utilities, phone bills, house payments and auto repairs.

Fred and Kay Witter Breast Cancer Research Fund

The Kay and Fred Witter Breast Cancer Research Fund support breast cancer research at Karmanos Cancer Institute. The fund was initiated by Fred and Kay’s children because their beloved mother Kay was a 14-year breast cancer survivor. Kay courageously fought for the last three and a half years. Kay was a loving wife, mother, grandmother to her three granddaughters and friend who was always thinking of others. As an elementary school teacher, she knew the importance of education as well as supporting research. Her daughter and son are dedicated to finding a cure for breast cancer.

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