Charitable Remainder Trusts

A charitable remainder trust (CRT) irrevocably transfers money, securities or other assets to a trust that pays you an income for life or for a period of years.

The trust can also pay an income to another beneficiary of your choice during his or her lifetime, with the remaining balance of the trust transferring to the Institute at the death of the income beneficiary.

CRTs come in several variations. We can help you and your professional advisors decide upon the method that serves you best. The two most common are:

  • Annuity trust — which pays you a fixed dollar amount, and the
  • Standard unitrust — which pays you an amount equal to a fixed percentage of the net fair market value of the trust assets as recalculated yearly.

Unlike other ways of contributing to the Institute, a charitable remainder trust allows you to benefit from donated assets throughout your life while helping to shape our future later. Benefits include:

  • Increasing your income when you give to a trust designed to pay out more than you now earn on the assets you will contribute;
  • Receiving a money-saving federal income tax charitable deduction;
  • Avoiding capital gains tax when you transfer non-mortgaged appreciated assets to the trust;
  • Freeing yourself from investment worries by securing professional management of the assets you donate;
  • Gaining the enduring satisfaction of having made a major commitment to our important work.

For more information 

For more information contact Denise Lowe, Annual Fund Officer at 248-226-2163, or