Coping with physical intimacy and/or menopausal symptoms due to cancer treatments

Patients with cancer, those with a history of the disease and individuals at a higher risk of cancer may experience difficulty with physical intimacy and/or menopausal symptoms. Certain treatments can cause physical changes, menopausal symptoms and sexual health concerns such as pain with intimacy. Knowing how to cope with these changes can improve your quality of life.

At the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Center, we have a menopause and sexual health specialist who can educate, counsel and treat you for many menopause or sexual health related concerns.  

We can help with:

  • Pain with sexual activity including intercourse
  • Menopause symptoms interfering with your quality of life such as hot flashes and night sweats
  • Decreased desire or lack of interest in sexual activity
  • Body image issues associated with cancer therapies
  • Sexual health-related issues related to your quality of life

To schedule a consultation at our Weisberg Cancer Treatment Center, please call 1-800-KARMANOS (1-800-527-6266) or request an appointment online.