Women's Wellness Clinic

At Karmanos, we stand alongside our patients who are concerned about or diagnosed with breast cancer. From preventative care to diagnosis through treatment and recovery, we understand the importance of ongoing care and careful monitoring for breast cancer.

Preventative Care

If you are a woman who has a history of cancer, has a genetic predisposition for breast cancer or just has general concerns or questions regarding their breast health, Karmanos' Women's Wellness Clinic offers guidance, support and screenings. Our highly-trained nurse practitioners, who are focused on overall breast health and wellness, are here to help.

  • Assess new patients with new breast problems including pain, lump(s), asymmetry, nipple discharge, swelling, skin color changes, infections, abnormal imaging and offer second opinions
  • Provide well breast care including clinical breast exams on the same day as mammogram, as well as discussion of preliminary results
  • Assess, monitor and counsel women regarding elevated risk for breast cancer

Cancer is most curable in its early stages and routine screenings save lives every day. Be proactive. Advocate for your health and visit our Women’s Wellness Clinic today.

Survivorship Care

In coordination with your oncologist, surgeon or primary care physician, our highly trained nurse practitioners offer continued care and monitoring after treatment for your health and well-being. Our Women’s Wellness Clinic offers these services for the type of follow up care breast cancer survivors need.

  • Follow-up care for breast cancer survivors, including late or persistent treatment-related effects and close monitoring of all aspects of health
  • Continuation of hormone therapy to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence
  • Recommendations for chemoprevention/increased imaging/increased surveillance
  • Lymphedema management
  • Menopausal symptom and sexual health management
  • Close monitoring for cancer recurrence
  • General cancer screenings
  • Ongoing health maintenance
  • Supportive care services, including referrals to community resources and support groups
  • Fertility and reproductive counseling

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